Wednesday 20 July 2011


Today I'm  busy making a Pinata for my little cousin Grace for her birthday!She will love it.

I went down the shop the other day and bought some clag past glue which was very silly to get to glue a pinata together so when i got home mum said "That's not a good type of glue to use.

"I said"That's all the milk bar had."So then mum looked on the Internet... (which comes in handy by the way) and saw that you can make glue from using;1 cup of Flour,2 cups of water.

So we then went straight to work and mixed it around until there is no lumps left.

This is a really good glue because it doesn't dry up on your fingers or anything, so i love it!

It dried up really well on my pinata and I've so far got 3 layers and I'm doing 1 more today so that will be four strong layers for the kids to break on Saturday.I hope you liked this blog of what I'm doing today!

Thursday 14 July 2011


1 peter 1:21 "Through him you believe in God,who raised him from the dead and glorified him,and so your Faith and Hope are in God!"

This shows you how we have the power with Faith and Hope only when we have God in our life and my favourite scripture is

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal LIFE!"

Thats it for Faith I hope you like this short two scriptures!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Jesus shines!

Jesus Shines through us so its very important that we always show these few things to people all the time;Kindness,Care,Joy,Faithfulness,Patience,Hope and Love of God!

Matthew 5:16"In the same way,Let your light shine before men,that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

If we always do these things we will be showing Gods love through us!


Welcome to "Karina's blog world" full of Fun and interesting notes!

I'll write some interesting stuff so stay with me and keep reading my blogs you'll find them Kool!

God is strong and mighty and has Grace...!

psalm 23"The lord is my shepherd i shall not want,He makes me lie down in green pastures,he leads me beside still waters,He restores my soul."

Thats only a glimps of what i have to come so stay with me cya!